
Australia: + 61 7 3880 6052

Transform Your Travels with
- SooN -

Touring Treasures' Exclusive Loyalty Program

| SooN

Welcome To The New Touring Treasures
SooN Loyalty Program

Embark on a journey of unparalleled rewards and appreciation with Touring Treasures’ exclusive loyalty program, SooN. Designed with you in mind, SooN is more than just a program; it’s a testament to our commitment to building lasting relationships with our valued clients and partners. With SooN, we aim to enhance your travel experiences and show our gratitude for your continued support.



How To Become A Member

Joining our exclusive loyalty programme, SooN, is simple and automatic. The moment you become a Touring Treasures customer or trade partner (travel agent), you’re automatically enrolled in the SooN programme. There’s no lengthy sign-up process or forms to fill out – just sit back, relax and let the rewards begin when you start referring our services.

The SooN Program for Direct Consumers

Referral Rewards

How It Works

Earn a $1,000 cash reward for each new guest you refer who books their first qualifying Private Travel trip with Touring Treasures valued at a minimum of $35,000 Australian Dollars. Additionally, we will reward your referred guest for travelling with us with also a $1,000 travel credit which will be deducted from the cost of their trip. With our fast payment policy, you'll receive your referral cash within 30 days of your referred guest's return from their trip.

The SooN Program for Trade Partners

Referral Rewards

How It Works

Our trade partners are rewarded with AUD $1000 for each new agent they refer who books their first trip with Touring Treasures valued at a minimum of $35,000 Australian Dollars. Your referred agent will also receive AUD $1000 for their first booking. Furthermore, Once the agency has achieved one million Australian dollars in business with Touring Treasures, one selected member will be invited on a 10-day luxury familiarisation trip to one of our exquisite destinations.

Introducing Other Benefits

As a valued member of Touring Treasures’ exclusive SooN loyalty program, you enjoy a range of additional benefits designed to enhance your travel experience and ensure your journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Sit back, relax, and let us elevate your travel experiences to new heights with SooN.

Airport Meet & Greet Services

Enjoy complimentary airport meet and greet services for all international arrivals and departures. Our professional representatives will be there to welcome you with a warm smile, assist with baggage handling, and streamline your airport experience, ensuring a smooth transition from the moment you step off the plane.

Private Hotel Transfers

As a SooN member, you’ll enjoy complimentary hotel transfers on international arrivals and departures, complete with private vehicles for added comfort and convenience. Sit back, relax, and let our experienced drivers whisk you away to your accommodations, allowing you to start your journey in style and relaxation.

Spa Credit

Pamper yourself during your travels with a $250 spa credit at your preferred location, seamlessly integrated into your bespoke itinerary. Whether you’re craving a rejuvenating massage, a revitalizing facial, or a tranquil wellness retreat, this credit can be redeemed towards indulgent spa treatments tailored to your preferences. 

Begin Your Journey Today

Our team of experienced travel specialists is here to help you plan the perfect journey. Schedule a consultation with one of our experts today and let us turn your travel dreams into reality.

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Have a question?

E-mail us at luxurytravel@touringtreasures.com or click the contact button below.